Notice | Notification Second Merit List Notification for 1st Year LL.B Admission- Kokrajhar Law College Second Merit List for 1st Year LL.B Admission 2022-23 Final-Merit-List-4Download Final-Merit-List-4 Online Admission: Click Here Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice NOTICE Byklc_administrator December 31, 2020December 31, 2020 Download Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice Second Selected list for Admission to 3 years LLB at Kokrajhar Law College (2020-2021) 17-08-2020 Byadmin August 18, 2020August 18, 2020 Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice Selected List -1 for Admission to 3 Years LL.B, at Kokrajhar Law College, 2020-2021 Byadmin August 3, 2020August 3, 2020 Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice 3rd and 5th Admission Byadmin August 17, 2020August 17, 2020 Online Admission Application Opened For 3rd and 5th Semester Opened. Apply Now Share Now Share Now