Message from the Principal

Miss Preeta Brahma
LL.M, D.IPL, Principal i/cKokrajhar Law College
At the outset, I congratulate you for making a right decision to pursue legal education in our college. At a same time I can also assure that each students will be given an opportunity of improvement. Improvement, in terms of academics, extra – curriculum activities, discipline amongst through the college environment, teachers and day to day learning.
The goal of improvement is one of the key to success which is only possible if the student community and the faculty put their extra effort to explore the depth of Legal Education. Since the time of its establishment in the year 1985, KLC has witnessed numerous transformations. Each out going batch has contributed in its own way to transform the college for better and have strengthened its reputation. And today we are fortunate enough to witness the better version of KLC; that we have strived to impart socially relevant and professionally designed legal education for past 35 years in the region of BTAD.
KLC solo stands as the only “LEGAL EDUCATION CENTRE” out of 4 districts in BTAD for which we shall always remain proud to be a part of.
KLC seeks to educate and produce more number of lawyers in the region of Bodoland considering the standard of services needs to be delivered in 21st century. Legal education in India has undergone a change in the last two decades. In this era of globalization it is needless to state that studying law is no more an option or by chance. It has become “BY CHOICE”. The KLC intends to impart legal education to the young minds as they are the future resource for providing speedy justice in the fields of socio, economic, political, etc.
The KLC is also committed to deliver its best old school method along with online education through the dedicated faculty members. Its friendly environment shall always encourage the students to interact with its Faculties for self study and take guidance for research related work. This shall be surely an advantage for those willing to put in extra effort. The perception of learning among the students will depend on the level of motivation with an added flavour of expectations.
I am sure that the students will have a memorable academic experience and participate in co-curriculum activities like Moot Court, Legal Aid Camps, Seminar, etc. and also ensure that our students will be the most knowledgeable of all. They will definitely make a difference to the world with their creativity and skills which will guide the coming days with progress and excellence. May all your dreams turn into reality by never compromising with ethics, moral values and good conscience.