Notice Merit List for 3 Years LL.B Course New Admission 2023-24 Merit-List-for-3-Years-LL.B-Course-New-Admission-2023-24 Download Here Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice National Webinar Byadmin August 4, 2020August 4, 2020 District Legal Services Authority, Kokrajhar and IQAC, Kokrajhar is going to organise National Webinar on “RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN – ISSUES AND CHALLENGES” Share Now Share Now
Notice | Notification Scholarship Notice 2022-23 Byklc_administrator September 2, 2022September 2, 2022 Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice Selected List -1 for Admission to 3 Years LL.B, at Kokrajhar Law College, 2020-2021 Byadmin August 3, 2020August 3, 2020 Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice 3rd and 5th Admission Byadmin August 17, 2020August 17, 2020 Online Admission Application Opened For 3rd and 5th Semester Opened. Apply Now Share Now Share Now
Events & Notification | Notice NOTICE Byklc_administrator October 21, 2020October 21, 2020 The Classes for the ensuing LL.B 1ST, 3RD and 5TH Semester will commence from 05/11/2020. Download Share Now Share Now